SMI Members Helped Plant More Than 220 Churches in West Africa!

Dec 20, 2017
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SMI Members Helped Plant More Than 220 Churches in West Africa!

On Giving Tuesday, November 28, I offered a challenge to SMI members in the form of a giving opportunity — let’s all work together this Christmas to help take the gospel to the people of West Africa via the church-planters working with the Jesus Film Project:

So, if all SMI members together, each giving what he or she has a heart to give, contribute $8,750, Susie and I will match it and the Jesus Film receives $17,500. Then the Jesus Film’s matching-grant donor kicks in $17,500 more, and the $35,000 raised can plant 200 churches! Working together, we can do something significant to "seek and save the lost" in that corner of the world.

Well, as I expected you would, you came through with a wonderful response. You didn’t give just $8,750. According to my friends at the Jesus Film Project, 66 mission-minded SMI members collectively gave $12,315! As in years past, generous SMI members learned of a need and wanted to be part of the solution.

(FYI, I don’t know who gave or how much — that’s between you and the JFP.)

As promised, Susie and I will match that, and so we SMIers as a group are sending $24,630 toward this outreach. And that amount will be increased yet again due to a matching grant from other JFP supporters.

Every $1 you gave was multiplied, and enough was raised from the SMI family to plant more than 220 new West African churches where the Gospel of Christ will be proclaimed. Thank you for responding in a beautiful way!

Written by

Austin Pryor

Austin Pryor

Austin Pryor has 40 years of experience advising investors and is the founder of the Sound Mind Investing newsletter and website. He's the author of The Sound Mind Investing Handbook which enjoys the endorsements of respected Christian teachers with more than 100,000 copies sold. Austin lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with his wife Susie. They have three grown sons and many grandchildren.

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