As you've likely noticed, the SMI website looks a little different today! Here's why.
Over the last several years, the number of people interacting with websites via mobile devices — phones, tablets, etc. — has increased dramatically. Many members told us they would like the SMI site to be more "mobile-friendly" so they could conveniently use the site on phones and tablets.
It's a challenge we've been working on behind the scenes for quite a while.
We'll skip the many technical details and cut to the chase: The SMI site now adapts to any device or browser you use!
To create that kind of flexibility, we've had to make a few slight alterations in site layout and navigation. But we've worked hard to keep the experience as similar as possible for desktop and laptop computer users. So while you'll see little differences here and there, we've intentionally kept the site design and navigation as similar as possible to what you're used to.
Once you have had a chance to look over the new site, we'd be interested in your feedback. While most of the functionality is the same, you'll notice a few improvements here and there, such as the new audio feature that allows you to listen to any article on the site!
But again, the main thing with this upgrade is the fact that the SMI site is now mobile-friendly and easy to use from your phone or tablet. If you have feedback on this experience, let us hear from you!
Thanks! Enjoy the new site!