Some of the best investing and personal finance articles from around the web.
Qualified charitable distributions (QCDs): Concerns from first-timers (Oblivious Investor). More details on a very powerful giving strategy for those taking required minimum distributions.
Protect your retirement: Seven RMD mistakes to avoid (Kiplinger). Speaking of RMDs, the penalties for not knowing the rules are steep.
How parents can help their boomerang child — without derailing their own retirement (Wall Street Journal). For those with adult children living at home, establishing some ground rules will help all involved.
What are treasures in heaven? (Eternal Perspective Ministries). You’ve probably heard the phrase many times, but what exactly does it mean?
14 online shopping scams to avoid this holiday season (US News). Be careful what you click on.
Who are the victims of cyberfraud? Take our quiz and find out (Wall Street Journal). It has become a multibillion-dollar “business.” How well do you know what to watch out for?
Buffett’s life advice may be more valuable than his portfolio (Advisor Perspectives). Among other ideas, he recommends having your kids read your will while you’re still alive.
Debit card fraud protection: What to know if your card is compromised (Yahoo Finance). It’s important to report an issue as soon as possible. See also, Paying with plastic — safely.
We’d love to hear your responses to any of the above. To weigh in, just meet us in the comments section.