Here's our latest Roundup of recent articles/resources on investing, personal finance, and stewardship. We hope you find them helpful!
Guide to the markets (PDF) (J.P. Morgan Asset Management). JPM's quarterly compilation of charts and graphs is always interesting. (For example, see pages 15-16, 31-32, and 36-37.)
Look inside (Jonathan Clements, Humble Dollar). Managing your financial life requires a self-understanding of your values, strengths, weaknesses, and risk tolerance.
An investing road map for retirees (Christine Benz, Morningstar). "Tips on asset allocation, Social Security, annuities, withdrawal rates, and more."
How to retire better, from retirees who learned the hard way (Wall Street Journal). "Many retirees realized too late how they could have prepared for a more financially secure and rewarding postwork life."
Home-builder stocks are booming as homeowners stay put (Wall Street Journal). An article sure to be of interest to SMI's Sector Rotation investors!
Types of savings accounts explained (Kiplinger). An overview of 10 types of accounts, from regular bank savings to IRAs.
Fireworks cause $59 million of property damage a year. Your insurance policy may cover it (CNBC). Some (possibly) good news here if your well-meaning neighbor's Independence Day celebration damaged your property.
DAFs vs. private foundations: Which giving strategy is right for you? (Kiplinger). Donor-advised funds (DAF) and private foundations are terrific tools for strategic giving. But they differ in several respects.
Choosing contentment (Carolyn Calupca, Faith & Finance). Like the Apostle Paul, we can choose by God's grace "to be content in all circumstances."
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