Multiply Resources

Retirement Planning Calculators

Please note:To gain access to MoneyGuide, you first need to become an SMI Premium-level Member.

From there, go to the SMI Advisory Services website and click on "SMI Plan." Access to MoneyGuide requires a one-time fee of $50.

Fidelity’s Retirement Score

Requiring answers to just six questions, this is a great starting point in the retirement planning process. (Note, you do not have to be a Fidelity customer in order to use this tool, but you do need to create a free account.)

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Fidelity’s Planning Center

After working your way through the Fidelity Retirement Score calculator, you’ll be encouraged to use this more detailed planning tool, which is also free. It will enable you to be more precise because it requires more detailed information about your family and goals.

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Many financial advisors consider this to be the best financial planning software on the market. And for good reason. Far more comprehensive than Fidelity’s Planning and Guidance Center, MoneyGuide takes many more factors into consideration in helping you craft a plan for your retirement.

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