The Sound Mind Investing Handbook
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Mystified by investing jargon and overwhelmed by a myriad of investment options? The Sound Mind Investing Handbook is the tool you need to become a knowledgeable, confident, successful investor. Join the more than 100,000 readers who have turned to The SMI Handbook to learn how to make the most of what God has entrusted to them.
What’s Inside
The Essentials About Investing
Many investors focus on specific investments while neglecting the core principles that can dictate success or failure. The SMI Handbook puts first things first. You’ll learn big-picture principles and techniques that are the foundation of a successful investing plan.
Personalized for You
Not everyone has the same comfort level with risk. Nor is everyone in the same season of life. The SMI Handbook helps you gauge your risk tolerance and pair that information with your investing time frame. The result is a portfolio framework matched to your particular needs.
Clear Language, Not Jargon
The Sound Mind Investing Handbook is written in plain, everyday English — and its lessons are served up in small, easy-to-digest portions. You’ll find the design and layout of each chapter clear, interesting, and easy to follow.
A Biblical Perspective
“There is nothing new under the sun“ (Ecclesiastes 1:9). So you shouldn’t be surprised to learn that The SMI Handbook’s underlying values and practical strategies are outworkings of concepts that have endured for centuries. Some people may think society has grown too sophisticated for lessons rooted in the ancient texts of Scripture, but the financial disruptions and cultural disintegration of the 21st century point to our need for biblical truth as never before.
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A Word From the Author
Dear Friends,
For many people, investing is the most complicated and intimidating topic in personal finance. So I wrote The Sound Mind Investing Handbook with that in mind.
The Handbook is an easy-to-understand “next step” guide that explains how to put godly and time-tested financial principles to work in your investments.
And it’s practical. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor, The SMI Handbook can help you construct a portfolio that fits your unique situation.
Ultimately, my prayer is that this book will help you grow your wealth so you can experience the deep satisfaction of 1) providing well for your family and 2) generously supporting God’s work. I want to help you manage money well so you can truly live well.
Austin Pryor
Founder / Publisher