Money Roundup: The Big Upside of Working 1 More Year, Not Watching Your Garden Grow, and More

Jul 20, 2018
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Here’s our latest collection of interesting articles on investing, personal finance, and stewardship:

And from the bloggers and pundits...

  • Shut up and wait (Tony Isola, A Teachable Moment). Investing is similar to gardening. Both require long periods of patience.

  • Pareto (Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor). Five stocks (Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet) dominate the S&P 500. But many other stocks in the index are doing just fine, thank you.

  • When I’m 64 (Jonathan Clements, Humble Dollar). Eleven ways our perspective on money tends to change as we age.

  • Mindsets: Optimism vs. complacency vs. pessimism (Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund). Being an optimist doesn’t mean you think nothing will go wrong. Far from it.

  • Problems a booming economy can’t solve (John Horvat II, The Stream). Many people never seize the opportunity to save for a rainy day, even though rainy days will always come.

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Written by

Joseph Slife

Joseph Slife

Joseph Slife has been a news writer for the Associated Press, a college instructor, and a radio host. He and his wife Joye have three grown sons.

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